There are many reasons to call on oven cleaning services in Crawley at this time of the year, as the town’s folk prepare for the festive season when a big bird wrapped in tin foil will be spending a lot of time in there, perhaps joined by a glazed ham joint for the evening in the curious expectation that somebody might still be hungry.

However, before the turkey arrives or the other festive feast items are placed in the oven, from mince pies to the figgy pudding, there is the small matter of five weeks of World Cup football.

This is, of course, a unique experience for anyone involved, from the controversial fact that it is being hosted by Qatar, a country of dubious human rights the football pedigree of Eastbourne Borough, through to the timing of the event as the first World Cup played in the northern hemisphere winter, to avoid the summer heat of the Middle East.

What that does mean, however, is that with the Premier League shelved until Boxing Day, fans will be at home getting their fix of the big games, with England hoping to emulate the footballers of 1966 or the cricketers of last week. That means there could be some great domestic gatherings, which saves money on going to the pub in these purse-tightening times.

That last thing you will want is to put some party food in the oven and find it comes out covered in gunk because you didn’t get the oven nice and clean. That’s why this is an important time to get everything ready.

Of course, it may all end up in familiar style as someone misses a critical penalty in the shoot-out and their effigy is hanged in public. But at least with a clean oven you can enjoy some great food as you gather round the box ready to watch this déjà vu all over again.