Air fryers have been the kitchen appliance of the year, but while they are flying off the shelves, a house will never be complete without a conventional oven. 

For those who don’t know, an air fryer is a convention oven that cooks food by circulating hot air around it at a high speed. As oils are not required, it is healthier than other cooking methods, and is often quicker. 

Another reason why people love air fryers is that they can cook a huge range of foods in them, from hardboiled eggs to potatoes. Roasted nuts, pizzas and even cakes can be made in an air fryer, making it the most versatile appliance you are likely to have in your kitchen. 

So, does this mean households do not need a traditional oven anymore? Well, while air fryers might be useful for homes with few inhabitants, they are not ideal when cooking for lots of people. 

Their limited capacity means you can’t roast potatoes, veg and a chicken in one place, so if you want to cook large meal, such as a roast dinner, you need a big oven with shelves instead. 

What’s more, not all foods can be cooked in an air fryer. For instance, hamburgers, muffins, popcorn, and anything battered are difficult to cook in one of the machines. 

Another disadvantage is they take up a lot of room on the countertop. While homes typically have space for an oven already, you would have to clear enough room on the worktop to fit this bulky appliance on. 

They are also difficult to clean. Some of the parts need to be washed by hand and should be done after every use. Otherwise, food residues can accumulate, making it even more difficult to clean next time.

While ovens need cleaning too, it is easy to hire a professional oven cleaning service near me to take care of the job.